Our Vision
Our purpose is to glorify God by making disciples of all nations.
We make disciples of all nations by delighting in Jesus, developing into His image, and declaring Him as Lord and Savior to New Orleans and all nations.

At Edgewater, we affirm the Baptist Faith and Message 2000. Click here to view it.​
The Church Gathered
At Edgewater, we gather to prepare to accomplish Christ's mission in this world by:
Teaching the truth of the Bible and training others to do so as well.
Developing genuine fellowship and taking care of one another as members of Christ's family.
Celebrating hope, forgiveness of sins, and the promise of His return through authentic worship.
Expressing dependence on Christ through diligent prayer.
The Church Scattered
At Edgewater, we scatter into the world to accomplish Christ's mission in this world by:
Exalting Christ through our lives, relationships, and church.
Intentionally developing relationships with our unchurched family members, friends, and acquaintances.
Sharing the Gospel.
Trusting God to work in such a way that only He gets the glory.
At Edgewater, we plan to accomplish Christ's mission in this world by:
Equipping every disciple for ministry service.
Ensuring every disciple knows, understands, and applies proper Bible doctrine.
Encouraging every disciple to mature and reproduce.
Enabling every disciple to participate in our mission.